

View synonyms for agog



[ uh-gog ]


  1. highly excited by eagerness, curiosity, anticipation, etc.

    Synonyms: enthralled, awestruck


  1. in a state of eager desire; excitedly.


  1. variant of -agogue.


/ əˈɡɒɡ /


  1. postpositive highly impatient, eager, or curious
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of agog1

First recorded in 1535–45; variant of on gog (in phrase set on gog “rouse, stir up”), from Middle French en gogues; à gogo
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Word History and Origins

Origin of agog1

C15: perhaps from Old French en gogues in merriments, origin unknown
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Example Sentences

Nowadays astrophysicists are all agog about gravitational waves, which can reveal all sorts of secrets about what goes on in the distant universe.

The sheer scale of the tragedy the project represents left many visitors agog.

Until recently I didn’t know what Dear Evan Hansen was about, and when a friend explained the plot to me, I was speechless, agog, eyes popping.

From Vox

The encounter between the Merrimack and the Monitor had set the world agog on the matter of armored vessels.

The Hut was all agog with movement and bustle on the days when rations were being made up and packed.

Perhaps you don't know it, but the town is agog with what it is pleased to term your infatuation for Mrs. Brown.

Meanwhile within the van der Griff house all were agog with excitement in expectation of the arrival of the distinguished guest.

He wondered, and as he had no respect for either the Old Man or Hinkel, he kept his ears agog for more.




