

AIDS virus

[ eydz vahy-ruhs ]


  1. a variable retrovirus that invades and inactivates helper T cells of the immune system and is a cause of AIDS and AIDS-related complex: variants were identified in several laboratories and independently named lymphadenopathy-associated virus LAV, human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3 HTLV-3, and AIDS-related virus ARV, the name human immunodeficiency virus HIV being subsequently proposed by an international taxonomy committee.

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It was described in the Sunday Telegraph as "the new danger drug in the pub, as easy to buy as crisps", which could make "users more vulnerable to the killer Aids virus".

From BBC

“On 31 October 1986, Pravda carried a cartoon of a shifty-looking scientist and a grinning American military officer exchanging a test tube for a fistful of dollars. The vial is labelled ‘AIDS virus’ and is full of Swastika-shaped bacteria,” writes Sixsmith.

The brain is picking up the violence it sees and copying it, much like the Aids virus replicates in a person.

What about when she said, “The Aids virus is not more powerful than God”? “I would hope,” she says, “that if you’re writing an article you might have read my books. Integrative medicine means body, mind and spirit.”

The vast majority of those infected were men and, at the time, the cause was linked to the area's sex workers, who were mainly transgender and 32 of whom were found to be carrying the Aids virus.

From BBC



