

View synonyms for air route

air route


  1. a designated route for aircraft flying between particular ground locations at specified minimum altitudes.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of air route1

First recorded in 1910–15
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Example Sentences

Not that night flying over a regular air route, such as they were to follow for hundreds of miles, is usually hazardous.

The next trans-Atlantic flight was made about a month after the NC-4 had blazed the air route across the ocean.

That's what I thought you could do, but your evident impatience made me wonder if you had an air-route you could travel by.

By the air route he had determined to leave, if by any hook or crook Schneider and himself could get hold of an aroplane.

I shall travel by the air-route,” he added; “it is so much quicker, and far less fatiguing.



