


[ ah-yen-dey ]


  1. Isabel, born 1942, Chilean novelist.


/ aˈʎende /


  1. AllendeIsabel1942FChileanPeruvianWRITING: novelist Isabel. born 1942, Chilean writer, born in Peru; her works include Eva Luna (1989), Paula (1995), and Daughter of Fortune (1999)
  2. AllendeSalvador19081973MChileanPOLITICS: head of state Salvador (salβaˈðor). 1908–73, Chilean Marxist politician; president of Chile from 1970 until 1973, when the army seized power and he was killed
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Allende had nationalized the mines—upsetting the mine owners, who were not compensated.

Allende, who was born in Peru and raised in Chile, has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for 26 years.

Author Isabel Allende describes a surreal experience in India that altered her life—and spurred her activism for women's rights.

Sometimes she wishes she could live in idyllic cities like San Miguel de Allende, a tranquil tourist town.

The former ended with the military coup that overthrew President Salvatore Allende.

It would have been wiser, however, to have named him archbishop, and made Allende general-in-chief.

Allende went to the houses of the Gachupins and took away their money, giving them acknowledgments for it.

Allende ought to be there, too; but he is a soldier, and perhaps they would not let him in amongst the eleven thousand virgins.

Two officers in the regiment of Allende were of his opinion, and became confidants of the plan.

Y en esto no se ponga dilacion o dificultad alguna, porque havria enojo della, allende que no lo permitiera.





all-encompassingAllende Gossens