

View synonyms for along with

along with

  1. In association with, as in For his second birthday we sent him a fireman's hat, along with some books , or The audience was invited to sing along with the star . [Early 1700s]

  2. In conjunction with, as in Along with what I told you before, that's the whole story of what happened . [Early 1800s] For a synonym, see together with ; also see go along , def. 2 and 3.

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Less than two years later, on April 11, 1947, Robinson signed his first major league contract along with Rickey and National League president Ford Frick.

And the contracts remained in the institute’s basement for decades along with nearly 4 million other documents chronicling Brooklyn’s growth.

Those companies, along with Aetna’s parent company CVS, “were intentionally denying claims for this expensive care to increase profits,” according to The New York Times.

From Salon

The family of a Syrian dentist who was arrested along with her six children has told the BBC they are still hoping to find them.

From BBC

He also said he would leave the “stabilization of state affairs” to his conservative People Power Party, which has refused to go along with impeachment efforts, instead opting to pursue what its leader called an “orderly resignation.”


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