

View synonyms for ammo


[ am-oh ]


, Informal.


/ ˈæməʊ /


  1. informal.
    short for ammunition
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of ammo1

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He posted a code of conduct in the group, as well as a set of meme-like instructions for members to prepare for a national “blackout,” buying long-range walkie-talkies and stocking up on guns, ammo and food.

Nerf unveiled the Rival lineup back in 2015 when it introduced its new form of ammo.

Walmart initially removed guns and ammo from sales floors, but then quickly reversed course.

From Fortune

Later in the decade, the IGBC began issuing instructions on building homemade bear-resistant containers—mostly modified metal ammo cans.

I lift the box to grab the ammo, and a bottle of wine I didn’t notice rolls off the shelf.

From Time

Another member of the plot took care of the ammo along with black uniforms, night-vision equipment, and body armor.

I could get a shotgun, and not even purchase ammo, but just make that cocking noise.

Or not live next to that special brand of genius who goes all in on the gun-cleaning with ammo in the chamber?

Rick doubles over in pain and Carl shoots wildly at a walker before he runs out of ammo and breaks down sobbing.

Do you tell [people] the shocking truth -- that he was practically cut in half from the overkill of ammo fired into his body?

Loaded an ore boat with avgas and ammo and ran it up the Seaway.

At the very furthest stretch of the imagination, a tarzan might sneak into town and try to steal some ammo.

The Ammo Chu, which is here nothing but a 20-foot stream frozen over at night, bisects the camp.

When the projected Ammo Chu cart-road is completed, all the difficulty of carrying stores into Chumbi will be obviated.

He shot at ammo, the mountain sheep (the three stars of Orion's belt); hence people hunt mountain sheep.




