[ an-uh-toh-lee-uh ]
- a vast plateau between the Black and the Mediterranean seas: in ancient usage, synonymous with the peninsula of Asia Minor; in modern usage, applied to Turkey in Asia.
/ ˌænəˈtəʊlɪə /
- the Asian part of Turkey, occupying the peninsula between the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, and the Aegean: consists of a plateau, largely mountainous, with salt lakes in the interior Historical nameAsia Minor
Example Sentences
These supporting forces even managed to infiltrate Sardis, the satrapal capital of the Persians in Anatolia – and in the ensuing clash, the city was devastated by fire.
Instead of relying on stores or food trucked hundreds of miles from Anatolia, they have been growing their own food right in the city center, alongside and among the ancient city’s Byzantine-era walls.
Fatma Toru, a member of the AKP, was elected mayor in the town of Meram in central Anatolia.
A good-looking woman, she maintained a no-nonsense approach on her pioneering digs in south-east Anatolia.
The 12th book commences with a detailed account of Anatolia, and contains the northern part.
We dont even care who governs us now, said a Turk of position to the writer (then a prisoner in Turkish hands in Anatolia).
Zikki Bey warned us that everybody at Psamatia would be sent into Anatolia very shortly.
The one was established in China, the other in Syria and in Anatolia.
Of the coast of Anatolia, they possessed the entire circuit from Trebizond to the Syrian gates.