


[ an-dree-uh, ahn-, ahn-drey-uh ]


  1. a first name, Latinized form of Andrew.

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It hadn’t crossed the minds of Andrea’s grandparents, parents or sisters, nor those of her aunts, uncles or cousins, who also lived near Plant Scherer.

In 2013, three of Andrea’s relatives were among more than 100 current and former Monroe County residents who sued Georgia Power, claiming the utility had knowingly released toxins contained in coal ash into the air and groundwater.

Three days later, Andrea stayed home from school to say goodbye to her grandfather, who was buried at the Juliette United Methodist Church cemetery, two miles north of Plant Scherer’s front gates.

Andrea wondered if Juliette’s cancer rate was even higher than Monroe County’s — it would take just 16 new cancer incidences in an average year for Juliette to exceed the county rate.

Andrea, then a 15-year-old high school student, watched her grandfather writhe in pain on the living room couch.

Most of us have an unhealthy relationship with anger, writes author and psychologist Andrea Brandt.

ANDREA CONSTAND (2004) The most litigious of the group is Constand.

Andrea Yates drowned all five of her children in 2001, even chasing after them when they tried to flee.

Andrea described the whole scene very well in her autobiography, Talking Back to Presidents, Dictators, and Assorted Scoundrels.

Every day have a segment called “What would Andrea Dworkin say?”

Andrea turns to his knights, and leaving the room with them points to the flag bearing thePg 224 block and axe as emblems.

The Queen recalls the fact that she was married at nine to Andrea, then only a child too; and she has never known love.

These indiscreet advisers brought matters to extremes, so that Andrea was strangled in 1345.

But Andrea spills salt upon the table, which evil augury seems to be taken seriously.

On Andrea's face, observed by Gilbert with sustained attention, was perfect calm under slight surprise.





AndréAndrea del Sarto