


or An·dre·yev

[ ahn-drey-yuhf ]


  1. Leonid Nikolaevich [lee, -, uh, -nid nik-, uhlah, -y, uh, -vich, llyee-, uh, -, nyeet, nyik-, uh, -, lah, -y, uh, -vich], 1871–1919, Russian writer.

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Example Sentences

Other critics noted that her partnership with Andreev meant that Wolfe Herd never faced the fundraising challenges most female CEOs are forced to navigate.

From Time

Wolfe Herd says that her deal structure with Andreev meant that giving up more equity would mean sacrificing her board seat.

From Time

Andreev said “many of the accusations are inaccurate” but that he was taking them “seriously.”

From Fortune

One cannot read Andreev's Red Laugh to-day without thinking of it.

Unlike Turgenev, both Chekhov and Andreev study mental disease.

The poetic quality in Andreev animates all his dramas, particularly To the Stars.

No one can read Chekhov and Andreev without being conscious of the hovering spirit of the first master of Russian fiction.

Neither Chekhov nor Andreev have attempted to lift that black pall of despair that hangs over Russian fiction.





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