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[ ap-uh-rat-uhs, -rey-tuhs ]


, plural ap·pa·rat·us, ap·pa·rat·us·es.
  1. a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials, etc., having a particular function or intended for a specific use:

    Our town has excellent fire-fighting apparatus.

  2. any complex instrument or mechanism for a particular purpose.

    Synonyms: contrivance, contraption, device, appliance, machine

  3. any system or systematic organization of activities, functions, processes, etc., directed toward a specific goal:

    the apparatus of government; espionage apparatus.

  4. Physiology. a group of structurally different organs working together in the performance of a particular function:

    the digestive apparatus.


/ ˌæpəˈreɪtəs; ˈæpəˌreɪtəs; -ˈrɑːtəs /


  1. a collection of instruments, machines, tools, parts, or other equipment used for a particular purpose
  2. a machine having a specific function

    breathing apparatus

  3. the means by which something operates; organization

    the apparatus of government

  4. anatomy any group of organs having a specific function

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Word History and Origins

Origin of apparatus1

1620–30; < Latin apparātus equipment, originally the act of equipping, preparation, equivalent to apparā ( re ) to prepare ( ap- ap- 1 + parāre; prepare ) + -tus suffix of v. action

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Word History and Origins

Origin of apparatus1

C17: from Latin, from apparāre to make ready



