

View synonyms for artillery


[ ahr-til-uh-ree ]


  1. mounted projectile-firing guns or missile launchers, mobile or stationary, light or heavy, as distinguished from small arms.
  2. the troops or the branch of an army concerned with the use and service of such weapons.
  3. the science that treats of the use of such weapons.


/ ɑːˈtɪlərɪ /


  1. guns, cannon, howitzers, mortars, etc, of calibre greater than 20 mm
  2. troops or military units specializing in using such guns
  3. the science dealing with the use of guns
  4. devices for discharging heavy missiles, such as catapults or slings
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of artillery1

1350–1400; Middle English artil ( le ) rie, artelry, art ( u ) ry armaments, ballistic engines < Anglo-French, Middle French artillerie, equivalent to Old French artill ( ier ) to equip, arm, alteration, by association with art art 1, of atill ( i ) er to set in order, put on armor (< Vulgar Latin *apticulāre, derivative of Latin aptāre to put on (armor, ornaments, etc.; adapt ); -i- for expected -ei- perhaps by association with atirier; attire ) + -erie -ery
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Word History and Origins

Origin of artillery1

C14: from Old French artillerie, from artillier to equip with weapons, of uncertain origin
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Example Sentences

Eastern Taiwan’s terrain is mountainous, and many of the 100-plus islands that make up Taiwan are riddled with tunnels, bunkers and artillery.

From Time

This could include superior numbers of soldiers, better-positioned and longer-ranged artillery, or simply picking a fight in the right place where an opponent is unprepared.

This can be applied to every kind of blast, from a grenade to an artillery round or a plane-dropped bomb.

Nedergaard’s interpretation is that more experienced runners are able to zone out during easy training runs, whereas novice runners have to deploy the heavy self-talk artillery pretty much all the time to get through their runs.

ISIS had tanks, artillery systems, and even 155‑ millimeter Howitzers they had taken from Iraqi forces, who had received the equipment from America.

From Time

Artillery fire could be heard in Avtozavodsky district, on Chernyshevskogo and Putin avenues in downtown Grozny.

The other subject he taught at VMI was something he knew a great deal about, too: artillery.

In fact, he taught the most intensive artillery course in the South and very likely the equal of courses at West Point.

The “tactical” side of artillery—its use on a battlefield—was something Jackson was not called upon to explain.

Jackson fared better as an instructor of artillery, a subject he was far better at explaining.

The Mexican artillery soon laid a part of the fort in ruins.

They found a few belated sowars of the 3d Cavalry, who took refuge in a wood, and the artillery opened fire at the trees!

Two artillery subalterns who had fought their way through a mob stricken with panic for the moment, soon arrived.

The artillery and 81st were on the right of the line, the native infantry in the center, and the sowars on the left.

In a few minutes the native troops found themselves confronted by the 81st and the two batteries of artillery.


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