


[ ash ]


  1. Arthur Robert, Jr., 1943–93, U.S. tennis player.


/ æʃ /


  1. AsheArthur (Robert)19431993MUSSPORT AND GAMES: tennis player Arthur ( Robert ). 1943–93, US tennis player: US champion 1968; Wimbledon champion 1975
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

So she and Ashe made an offer that included all their standard bells and whistles.

From Time

Ashe says zoos have a reach that no other entity in the conservation world has, and that they teach children to care about animals without having to travel far.

From Time

A final decision is due from agency director Dan Ashe on August 4.

It was a very rainy summer—the summer Arthur Ashe won Wimbledon against Jimmy Connors, which I watched in the pub.

Mr. Ashe replied with a request for a sum of about four thousand francs.

The stairs were so wide and shallow they tripped as they followed Miss Ashe up them.

The creature flung himself on Miss Ashe so impetuously as to very nearly topple her over.

Esther felt horribly ashamed as she wondered what Miss Ashe and Anna would think when they came and saw them.

Miss Ashe grasped the situation in a moment, and, though her heart sank a little in dismay at their ignorance, she showed no sign.





AshdownAshe, Arthur