

View synonyms for assessment


[ uh-ses-muhnt ]


  1. the act of assessing; appraisal; evaluation.
  2. an official valuation of property for the purpose of levying a tax; an assigned value.
  3. an amount assessed as payable.


/ əˈsɛsmənt /


  1. the act of assessing, esp (in Britain) the evaluation of a student's achievement on a course
  2. an amount determined as payable
  3. a valuation set on taxable property, income, etc
  4. evaluation; estimation


  1. The appraisal of property for the purposes of taxation .

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Other Words From

  • misas·sessment noun
  • over·as·sessment noun
  • proas·sessment adjective
  • reas·sessment noun
  • self-as·sessment noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of assessment1

First recorded in 1530–40; assess + -ment

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Example Sentences

The assessment of the strikes comes in real-time video from the aircraft.

I hardly spoke to every patron, but there may have been some validity to his assessment.

RELATED: Wing Span: The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (PHOTOS) Not everyone agreed with her assessment.

I asked Christian publisher Crossway Books for their assessment of the manipulation of the best-seller lists.

Time and again, the author confuses chattering class dissatisfaction with an honest assessment of accomplishment.

If the losses exceed the premiums thus paid in advance, then an assessment is made on each member to cover the deficiency.

Wherefore they had done generous assessment work and had recorded their claim and built their monuments to mark its boundaries.

You owe the Eureka, as your share of the assessment, two dollars and forty cents.

Approaching the assessment-roll, we may estimate the Astor estate at one thirtieth of the entire city.

In spite of its origin, the “assessment” was the model for later taxation of property.


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