


[ aw-tiz-uhm ]


, Psychiatry.
  1. a developmental disability of highly variable presentation, commonly characterized by social and communication differences, repetitive behaviors, intense specialized interests, and differences in sensory processing; autism spectrum disorder.
  2. Sometimes classic autism. (no longer in clinical use) a developmental disability that commonly manifests in early childhood, characterized by repetitive or restricted behaviors, differences in understanding social interactions, and delayed development of linguistic and cognitive abilities: formerly contrasted with Asperger syndrome.


/ ˈɔːtɪzəm /


  1. psychiatry a developmental disorder whose symptoms include difficulty in responding conventionally to people and actions and limited use of communication
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Rather than talking about an autistic or autistics , it is better to use phrases such as a person with autism and people with autism
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Derived Forms

  • auˈtistic, adjectivenoun
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Other Words From

  • au·tist [aw, -tist], noun
  • au·tis·tic [aw-, tis, -tik], adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of autism1

First recorded in 1910–15, for an earlier sense; coined in 1944 by Austrian-American psychiatrist Leo Kanner (1894–1981), for the current sense (in the phrase infantile autism ); from German Autismus (in the earlier sense), from New Latin; aut- + -ism
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Word History and Origins

Origin of autism1

C20: from Greek autos self + -ism
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Example Sentences

Although weighted blankets are still relatively new to consumers, they have been used for years by occupational therapists to treat sensory issues in people with autism, ADHD, and generalized anxiety disorders.

His writing is also often informed by his personal experiences, be it through his daughter, whose diagnosis of autism inspired his previous book on the subject, or his upbringing in a family of neurologists and psychiatrists.

Other published studies that used Voytek’s code included investigations of ADHD medication efficacy and studies of sex-based differences in brain activity in people with autism.

Yet as more sophisticated tools and techniques grew in social neuroscience, people soon realized that mirror neurons weren’t the end-all of empathy, language, or autism.

The main reason I spent so many years figuring out how to hide my autism was so I could have relationships with friends, co-workers and lovers.

Today, Sunday, the cast will perform a softened, “autism-friendly” version of the production for those on the spectrum.

Claiming to be useful against Ebola, autism, and cancer, Young Living Essential Oils came under fire from the FDA.

They apparently took that as a sign of suspicious activity, even though that can be a hallmark of people on the autism spectrum.

Jolly somehow finds the time to also manage a restaurant and help kids who have Autism and Down syndrome ride horses.

Renowned livestock specialist and autism advocate Temple Grandin brought her unique intellect and wit to Reddit.

Psychedelics have also sometimes been used for the terminally ill and in certain cases of autism.

I do not wish to go further than this into the abnormal and extreme types of religious autism; trance, ecstasy and so forth.





autieautism spectrum disorder