

View synonyms for awry


[ uh-rahy ]


  1. with a turn or twist to one side; askew:

    to glance or look awry.

  2. away from the expected or proper direction; amiss; wrong:

    Our plans went awry.


/ əˈraɪ /


  1. with a slant or twist to one side; askew
  2. away from the appropriate or right course; amiss
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of awry1

First recorded in 1325–75, awry is from Middle English on wry. See a- 1, wry
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Word History and Origins

Origin of awry1

C14 on wry; see a- ², wry
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Example Sentences

Even with these advances, positioning signals encounter interference and other conditions that can make them go awry.

Instead of feeling anxious about a social interaction that went awry, looming deadlines, or any other number of anxiety-inducing events in the real world, your anxiety is now attached to the monster on the screen.

More disturbing, there are signs extremists on both sides are prepared to take to the streets if they feel things have gone awry.

From Fortune

People leading up to 1800 legitimately feared something was going awry with the Democratic system and that the country was at risk of backsliding into monarchy.

From Time

Tackling it in real time in the middle of a political knife fight is almost certainly going to go awry.

From Axios

Right off the bat, papyrologist Brice C. Jones noted that something was awry.

Or, after a surprise party greeting for Gloria goes awry, “Just a thought: maybe we should stop doing these.”

There are technical difficulties at the funeral home and things go awry.

But it quickly became a text-book case of marketing gone awry.

In cases where something goes awry in this process, other structures in the brain are affected, and ASDs may result.

She cried out as she did so, and then rising with some difficulty, immediately sat down again with her face awry.

For everything which goes awry she has this answer: "Well, you would get up so early!"

That complacent remark struck the ear awry, like the whine of a deacons report at a Sunday-school convention.

Hotspur, after a mad gallop, had raced back riderless to the stables, stirrups dangling and saddle awry.

I follow, but am not so lucky, for the next wave catches the boat awry and sluices me from neck to heel!


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