


[ buh-loo-chuh-stahn, -stan, buh-loo-chuh-stan ]


  1. an arid mountainous region in S Asia, in SE Iran and SW Pakistan, bordering on the Arabian Sea.
  2. a former territory of W British India, now incorporated into Pakistan.


/ bəˈlɒtʃɪˌstɑːn; -ˌstæn; bəˈluːtʃɪˌstɑːn; -ˌstæn /


  1. a mountainous region of SW Asia, in SW Pakistan and SE Iran
  2. a province of SW Pakistan: a former territory of British India (until 1947). Capital: Quetta. Pop: Pop: 7 450 000 (2003 est)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

Indeed, more than 55,000 Pakistani troops are in Baluchistan waging a war of their own.

Before it was split between Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, Baluchistan spread over an area slightly larger than California.

For the last nine years, they have battled secular Baluch nationalists who would like to see an independent Baluchistan.

There are tribes and peoples about Southern Baluchistan who are as ancient as Herodotus but who are not mentioned.

The more important ranges lie to the north, facing the deserts of Central Baluchistan.

It is extraordinary how deep a veil of forgetfulness was drawn over Southern Baluchistan during this unrecorded interval.

Hardly less strange is the land formation of this southern edge of Baluchistan.

There was an unfortunate superstition current in Baluchistan to the effect that this was the normal end of European existence!





BaluchiBaluchistan States