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[ bam-bee-noh, bahm-; Italian bahm-bee-naw ]


, plural bam·bi·nos, Italian, bam·bi·ni [bahm-, bee, -nee].
  1. a small child or baby.
  2. an image of the infant Jesus.


/ bæmˈbiːnəʊ /


  1. informal.
    a young child, esp an Italian one
  2. a representation of the infant Jesus
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of bambino1

1755–65; < Italian, equivalent to bamb ( o ) childish (perhaps originally nursery word) + -ino diminutive suffix
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Word History and Origins

Origin of bambino1

C18: from Italian
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Example Sentences

Boston was on the cusp, finally, of winning its first World Series since 1918, forever shedding the Curse of the Bambino.

From Time

And besides, this Bambino never had any clothes, and so far as I know never wanted any.

The Sacred Bambino is not your serving Cavalier, that you should wish to cover him with silk and velvet.

In the streets and in the shops hundreds of children gaze longingly and lovingly at the bebe or bambino in Italian.

She goes down on her knees and holds the baby up, and tells me it ain't for her sake she's asking this—it's for the bambino.

Consequently his lordship remained at Calais in the charge of his faithful valet, Bambino.


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More About Bambino

What does bambino mean?

Bambino is the Italian word for a “male child or baby.” It can also be used as a nickname or term of endearment for a man more generally.

Where does bambino come from?

Bambino means “little child” or “baby” in Italian. It is used to refer to boys, with bambina its female counterpart. Bambinos or bambini can refer to a group of children or babies.

Fun facts: the Italian bambino is a diminutive form of bambo, meaning “silly,” and bimbo comes from bambino. It’s first recorded in English in the 1760s, when it especially referred to the Christ Child, or Baby Jesus.

Bambino was popularized in the U.S. thanks to George Herman Ruth, Jr., better known as Babe Ruth, the baseball player often considered the greatest of all time. While he wasn’t Italian himself, Babe Ruth played in New York in the 1920–30s, home to many Italian immigrants at the time. They nicknamed him The Great Bambino, bambino calling up babe. The Boston Red Sox were also hexed with The Curse of the Bambino after Ruth was sold by the team in 1919–20. Fans jokingly blamed the Red Sox 86-year World Series drought on the curse.

How is bambino used in real life?

Bambino is used when talking about male children and babies, especially by Italians and people of Italian heritage in places like New York City.

English speakers may also use bambino as a term of endearment for a male friend …

It can also work as a pet name for a significant other, similar to baby.

More examples of bambino:

“The girls in the neighborhood would say ‘Sonny Pacino, the lover bambino.’ The boys would say, ‘Sonny Pacino, the bastard bambino.”
—Ken Lipper quoted by Yahoo! Entertainment, September 2014


This content is not meant to be a formal definition of this term. Rather, it is an informal summary that seeks to provide supplemental information and context important to know or keep in mind about the term’s history, meaning, and usage.



