


[ bang-gawr, -ger ]


  1. a seaport in S Maine, on the Penobscot River.


/ ˈbæŋɡɔː; -ɡə /


  1. a university town in NW Wales, in Gwynedd, on the Menai Strait. Pop: 15 280 (2001)
  2. a town in SE Northern Ireland, in North Down district, Co Down, on Belfast Lough. Pop: 58 388 (2001)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

Bangor Christian has said it would not accept funds from Maine’s tuition program if it meant having to change its policies, including hiring and admissions practices, according to Maine’s filing.

From Time

The impact of emitting a ton of CO2 in Fresno, it’s exactly the same as emitting a ton in Bangor, Maine.

Teeth are grinding in front of computers from Bangor to Baltimore, San Diego to San Jose.

Wages aren't lower in Boston than in Bangor because of the larger labor supply.

Collinsport: A fictitious Maine fishing village, roughly 50 miles from Bangor, where Dark Shadows is set.

I have a total payroll of about 60 people, most of them working for the two radio stations I own in Bangor, Maine.

An hour's run after leaving Bangor brought us in sight of the towers of Conway Castle.

How came Mr. Goodridge to set out from Bangor, armed in this formal and formidable manner?

Having disposed of his money in this way, and armed himself with two good pistols, he set out from Bangor.

They reached the city of Bangor, on the wide Penobscot River about five o'clock.

By doing that, we will get to Bangor at five o'clock, just the time we would be leaving here, should we take the later train.





bang one's head againstbang out