

View synonyms for barbed


[ bahrbd ]


  1. having barbs.
  2. calculated to wound; cutting:

    a professor noted for his barbed criticisms.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of barbed1

First recorded in 1520–30; barb 1 + -ed 3
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Example Sentences

I could see the border, covered with barbed wire, fences and surveillance cameras.

There was no barbed wire around Yozgad, nor did there need to be.

A barbed tail juts out of its backside, making up about 70 percent of its length.

Some of the highways that run through the capital were blocked by military trucks and barbed-wire barricades.

Bumblebees have a painful sting and, unlike the honeybee, with its barbed stinger, the sharp, smooth bumblebee stinger can sting multiple times.

So perhaps the barbed wire and the machinations of the plot did duty for other obstacles that stood between myself and freedom.

Click here to see a photo of Galbraith and Fairchild posing in front of barbed wire that marked off mines in the zone.

Two parallel fences tipped with barbed wire formed a narrow corridor into the gymnasium.

Fences built ten-feet high with fifteen rows of electrified barbed wire surrounded the compound.

Even after she left its barbed bosom, it did its best to further excommunicate and sideline her.

It should be fixed in the head by means of a thin, barbed iron wedge.

It was by paying attention to such little things that the Cave-men learned to make barbed spears.

Careless idle words, spoken jestingly, but every one of which went home like a barbed arrow to the mother's heart.

He would drive it into them like a barbed arrow—that never afterwards in all their lives would they be rid of.

Even at that time I saw that some of the arrows were British, but more of some outland make with cruelly barbed heads.


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