
or bar·ca·rolle

[ bahr-kuh-rohl ]

  1. a boating song of the Venetian gondoliers.

  2. a piece of music composed in the style of such songs.

Origin of barcarole

1605–15; <Venetian barcarola boatman's song, feminine of barcarolo, equivalent to barcar- (<Late Latin barcārius boatman; see bark3, -ary) + -olo (≪ Latin -eolus) Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use barcarole in a sentence

  • Herein lies the idea of the barcarolle, the ebb and flow, the undulation of each measure.

    Piano Mastery | Harriette Brower
  • Strictly speaking, the barcarolle is an Italian boat-songbarca being the Italian word for boat.

  • And then you'll sing that lovely barcarolle through the speaking-trumpet!

  • Upstairs a door was opened, and a sweet, girlish voice trilled two bars of a Venetian barcarolle.

    A Speckled Bird | Augusta J. Evans Wilson
  • The great Fantaisie, Op. 49, is an epic poem, much as the Barcarolle is a poem of love.

British Dictionary definitions for barcarole



/ (ˈbɑːkəˌrəʊl, -ˌrɒl, ˌbɑːkəˈrəʊl) /

  1. a Venetian boat song in a time of six or twelve quaver beats to the bar

  2. an instrumental composition resembling this

Origin of barcarole

C18: from French, from Italian barcarola, from barcaruolo boatman, from barca boat; see barque

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