

barrier reef


  1. a reef of coral running roughly parallel to the shore and separated from it by a wide, deep lagoon.

barrier reef


  1. a long narrow coral reef near and lying parallel to the shore, separated from it by deep water See Great Barrier Reef
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

barrier reef

  1. A long, narrow ridge of coral that runs parallel to the mainland and is separated from it by a deep lagoon.
  2. Compare atoll

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Word History and Origins

Origin of barrier reef1

First recorded in 1795–1805
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Example Sentences

That goes for the different types of reefs, including barrier reefs, atolls, lagoon reefs, and shallow fringing reefs.

I was out, maybe in the Great Barrier Reef catching black marlin.

The light came, touching with silver the great, tumbling seas outside the barrier reef, but the seas were empty.

How I wish we were going down the east coast of Australia, inside the barrier-reef, instead of down the stormy west coast!

He had five fine boats, which are constantly at work inside the Great Barrier Reef.

Thus a barrier reef may be formed by the seaward growth of a fringing reef upon the talus of its sea face.

There is no encircling barrier reef, while the soundings are so regular as to exclude the existence of coral knolls.





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