

View synonyms for behemoth


[ bih-hee-muhth, bee-uh- ]


  1. an animal, perhaps the hippopotamus, mentioned in the Bible.
  2. any creature or thing of monstrous size or power:

    The army's new tank is a behemoth.

    The cartel is a behemoth that small business owners fear.


/ bɪˈhiːmɒθ /


  1. Old Testament a gigantic beast, probably a hippopotamus, described in Job 40:15
  2. a huge or monstrous person or thing
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of behemoth1

1350–1400; from Hebrew bəhēmōth, an augmentative plural of bəhēmāh beast; replacing Middle English bemoth
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Word History and Origins

Origin of behemoth1

C14: from Hebrew běhēmōth , plural of běhēmāh beast
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Example Sentences

Representatives of McDonald’s workers had asked Emanuel to recuse himself, citing Littler Mendelson’s legal work for McDonald’s as the fast-food behemoth sought to help franchisees fend off the protests over wages and unionization.

There is no need for our renewable energy transition to be subject to the constraints imposed by a fossil fuel behemoth.

The Elon Musk-led electric vehicle behemoth saw a 13% surge from bullish investors and traders on Monday following its 5-for-1 stock split— building on roaring momentum that’s seen the stock skyrocket 479% this year.

From Fortune

The talk of turning Mumbai into a global financial behemoth isn’t new, but little effort has been made to turn that dream into a reality.

From Quartz

For the foreseeable future, we will all continue to work tirelessly to fight this behemoth virus.

From Fortune

It was a decades-old howitzer Burns called a “multi-ton behemoth” and the atomic shell had a range of only ten miles.

After all, his next project is naming a street for Josef Brodsky, an even more outspoken enemy of the Soviet behemoth.

Ours is the Caiman model, a 6x6 behemoth that weighs in at over 15 tons and makes Humvees shrivel up with feelings of inadequacy.

What a demon, a behemoth, evil just seems to be seeping through him.

Colbert and Lampkin are not alone in their distaste for the online behemoth.

It goes to show that our doctrine is of God, else "behemoth would lie under shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens."

A great behemoth of a war-captain; one of the fiercest, inflexiblest, ruggedest creatures ever made in the form of man.

In the first place, it is evident that we may dismiss from our minds the idea that the Behemoth was an extinct pachyderm.

Assuming, therefore, that the Behemoth is identical with the hippopotamus, we will proceed with the description.

All created beings, from Behemoth to a butterfly, dread and fly (as best they may) that universal butcher—man.


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More About Behemoth

What is a behemoth?

A behemoth is a thing or creature of enormous size or power, as in An elephant is a behemoth that even lions and rhinos are afraid of.

The word Behemoth also refers to a monstrous creature from the Bible. In Job 40:15, an unknown large animal is referred to as a behemoth and is said to have immense power and eat grass. It is commonly thought that the animal being described is actually a hippopotamus.

Example: The powerful company is a behemoth in the electronics industry, dominating the market. 

Where does behemoth come from?

The first records of the word behemoth come from around 1350. It comes from the Hebrew bəhēmōth, a plural form of the word bəhēmāh, meaning “beast.” It is thought that the plural was used in the Bible to emphasize the creature’s might or monstrous size.

Interestingly, behemoth isn’t the only word we use based on a monstrous creature from the Bible. The word leviathan comes from the name of a giant aquatic beast mentioned in the Bible. According to one legend, the behemoth and leviathan will have a fierce battle on Judgment Day. Today, most people are likely unaware of the Biblical origins of behemoth. Now, the word is used generally to describe anything that is monstrous in size or power.

Did you know … ?

What are some synonyms for behemoth?

What are some words that often get used in discussing behemoth?

How is behemoth used in real life?

Behemoth is a word people use to refer to someone or something that is very large and/or very powerful.

Try using behemoth!

True or False?

A building that towered over all the other buildings in a city could be described as a behemoth.



