/ bɛndz /
Example Sentences
The rule of law, you see, buckles, bends and sometimes crumbles under the weight of racism, sexism, and classism.
Today, instead of men performing backbreaking work on creaking machinery, unkempt grass bends in the light breeze.
As the police officer bends down to inspect the body, a mouse "blows out" of its chest.
She holds up her phone to show a photo of UNDERWOOD looking at her ass as she bends over a Skee-Ball table at Chuck E. Cheese.
The arc of the moral universe is long, as Martin Luther King, Jr. said, but it bends toward justice.
“I understand that the river bends around the range, and the crest of the first rise seems no great height,” he said.
The consumptive bends over his work, fearfully eyeing the keeper's measuring stick.
If the thought all bends one way, if this direction is perfectly clear, there is no need of conjunctions.
The reed bends but it breaks not, for it groweth by the water, and its roots are strong.
It is the proving that bends the back, tries the patience, strains to the utmost the man's inborn Instinct of the Metal.