

View synonyms for besotted


[ bih-sot-id ]


  1. infatuated or obsessed:

    The besotted mom showed off pictures of her new baby.

    They had one date and he was utterly besotted.

  2. intoxicated; drunk:

    We found him besotted with wine.


/ bɪˈsɒtɪd /


  1. stupefied with drink; intoxicated
  2. infatuated; doting
  3. foolish; muddled
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Other Words From

  • be·sot·ted·ly adverb
  • be·sot·ted·ness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of besotted1

First recorded in 1580–90; besot + -ed 2
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Example Sentences

Set in a 1930s perfumery, it’s the story of quarrelsome co-workers who don’t realize each is the other’s besotted secret pen pal.

She believed that Ursula was about to abandon her and that therefore she would be deprived of the little girl whom she had become very besotted with actually, Ursula’s younger child.

He’s presented as a besotted husband, always frustrated that Julia’s busy schedule doesn’t allow them enough alone time.

From Time

He's already got some of them besotted with his poverty rhetoric.

The new Asian elite could certainly use a Tom Wolfe or two, but Kwan is far too besotted for the task.

The besotted Broadwell may have viewed the curvaceous Kelley as a threat.

He embraces asymmetry, is besotted by rhinestones, and swoons over the promise of romance hidden in dark shadows.

Peterson has even inspired a now satire blog where one besotted woman posts her love-struck messages to the convicted killer.

But I declare this king worthy of being confined as a madman if he were so atrociously besotted.

She beheld an unknown Jenkins, wild-looking, stammering with a besotted laugh and outraging hands.

The besotted world is not worth the pother this foolish young married woman makes over it.

You are all besotted—hag-ridden—drunkards sitting in the stocks, and bowing down to the said stocks, and making a god thereof.

Appreciation, fairness were all very well, but this besotted heroine-worship was a little pitiable.




