

View synonyms for black box

black box


  1. any unit that forms part of an electronic circuit and that has its function, but not its components, specified.
  2. any comparatively small, usually black, box containing a secret, mysterious, or complex mechanical or electronic device.
  3. Aeronautics. an electronic device, such as a flight recorder, that can be removed from an aircraft as a single package.
  4. Automotive. a device in an electronic ignition system that generates electrical pulses.

black box


  1. a self-contained unit in an electronic or computer system whose circuitry need not be known to understand its function
  2. an informal name for flight recorder
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

black box

  1. A crash-resistant steel container that holds instruments that record performance data in airplanes. The data are used to analyze the causes of accidents.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of black box1

First recorded in 1940–45
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Example Sentences

There will be an international outcry, if, as reported, the black box is on its way to Moscow.

The “black box” from the airplane traveled to Moscow “for investigation,” Russian radio station Kommersant FM reported.

We did all these, like, black box theater, small plays about sex, drugs and rock and roll.

On its second day of tracking along a 205-mile long arc, it picked up signals “consistent with a black box recorder.”

And now we apparently have another major air disaster requiring the familiar saga of pursuing the black box wherever it lies.

Dr. Hudson installed a black box at the water-fountain, and he explained to the men what it was for.

One of these did not look like a ship at all, but like a low black box, from which the smoke puffed up in a thick cloud.

At the moment, too, a thin little tune began to wander from the black box, none other than "The Wearing of the Green."

If there was any clue to the mystery of the stolen revolver it would be found here, in this black box.

He had been wriggling and scowling these last few tense moments in a furious temper at the neglect of himself and his black box.





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