


[ bloom ]


  1. Lé·on [lee, -on, ley-, awn], 1872–1950, French statesman, journalist, and Socialist Party leader: premier of France 1936–37, 1938, 1946–47.


/ bluːm /


  1. BlumLéon18721950MFrenchPOLITICS: statesmanPOLITICS: prime minister Léon (leɔ̃). 1872–1950, French socialist statesman; premier of France (1936–37; 1938; 1946–47)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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In fact, the kind of power Straw posted through his first three major league seasons makes Blum and his 99 home runs over 14 seasons look positively Ruthian.

Soon after he was cast in the critically beloved ABC sitcom Happy Endings, on which he played Max Blum.

Truth is stranger than fiction, however, and no one knows that more than Blum.

Jamie Reno discusses race and the Mormon religion with author Edward Blum.

“It has simply been overlooked just how ‘white’ the Mormon Jesus really is,” Blum says.

Those hostilities still linger among many white conservative Christians, says Blum.

Blum was considered one of the most eloquent men of the Frankfort Assembly; he certainly was the most popular.

Robert Blum assumed the leadership of the Saxon democracy in 1848.

He had regarded Blum as his creature, and his resentment at what he considered his partner's treachery was deep.

Obviously, therefore, Mr. Maurice Blum was not a person with whom Bale could afford to quarrel.

He took down the names of the men in the barges, and Peter's name was given as it appeared on the ship's roll—Anton Blum.




