


[ boh-az ]


  1. Franz [frahnts], 1858–1942, U.S. anthropologist, born in Germany.


/ ˈboːas; ˈbəʊæz /


  1. BoasFranz18581942MUSGermanSOCIAL SCIENCE: anthropologist Franz (frants). 1858–1942, US anthropologist, born in Germany. He made major contributions to cultural and linguistic anthropology in studies of North American Indians, including The Mind of Primitive Man (1911; 1938)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ ăz /

  1. German-born American anthropologist who emphasized the systematic analysis of culture and language structures.
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Example Sentences

Known as a tetraplex digital PCR assay, this method of testing allows researchers to use water or soil samples for rapid and precise identification of Burmese pythons, northern African pythons, boa constrictors and rainbow boas from environmental DNA -- which scientists refer to as eDNA -- collected in the wild.

"It was done overnight, which I think was a record for the publisher," Mrs Boas told the BBC.

From BBC

"We took everything with us," Mrs Boas said.

From BBC

Mr Boas would sometimes have hallucinations, leading to odd questions such as: "Is it possible I just saw a dog on the tennis court?"

From BBC

Mr Boas spent his career travelling the world as an aid worker, which took him to the Gaza Strip, Rwanda and Ukraine.

From BBC



