


[ bon-sahy, -zahy, bohn-, bon-sahy, -zahy, bohn- ]


, plural bon·sai.
  1. a tree or shrub that has been dwarfed, as by pruning the roots and pinching, and is grown in a pot or other container and trained to produce a desired shape or effect.
  2. the art or hobby of developing and growing such a plant or plants.


/ ˈbɒnsaɪ /


  1. the art of growing dwarfed ornamental varieties of trees or shrubs in small shallow pots or trays by selective pruning, etc
  2. a tree or shrub grown by this method
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of bonsai1

1945–50; < Japanese bon-sai tray planting < Middle Chinese, equivalent to Chinese pén tray + zāi plant, shoot
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Word History and Origins

Origin of bonsai1

C20: Japanese: plant grown in a pot, from bon basin, bowl + sai to plant
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Example Sentences

Besides, who could resist an animal that its owner calls the “bonsai tree of dogs”? It’s been all of two minutes and already there’s a lifetime bond.

Pacific Bonsai Museum inspires a closer look at nature through the living art of bonsai.

Another website, Bonsai Empire, lists bonsai clubs throughout the United States, some of which will accept bequeathed trees.

There's some bonsai and a lot of bowing.

From BBC

There they are at an exhibition of bonsai plants at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, or posing with visiting dignitaries from Kenya and Brunei, or presiding over the awarding of awards.



