

View synonyms for bosom


[ booz-uhm, boo-zuhm ]


  1. the breast of a human being.
  2. the breasts of a woman.
  3. the part of a garment that covers the breast.
  4. the breast, conceived of as the center of feelings or emotions.

    Synonyms: affection, heart

  5. something likened to the human breast:

    the bosom of the earth.

  6. a state of enclosing intimacy; warm closeness:

    the bosom of the family.


  1. of, relating to, or worn on or over the bosom.
  2. intimate or confidential:

    a bosom friend.

    Synonyms: dear, intimate, close

verb (used with object)

  1. to take to the bosom; embrace; cherish.
  2. to hide from view; conceal.


/ ˈbʊzəm /


  1. the chest or breast of a person, esp the female breasts
  2. the part of a woman's dress, coat, etc, that covers the chest
  3. a protective centre or part

    the bosom of the family

  4. the breast considered as the seat of emotions
  5. modifier very dear; intimate

    a bosom friend


  1. to embrace
  2. to conceal or carry in the bosom

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Word History and Origins

Origin of bosom1

before 1000; Middle English; Old English bōs ( u ) m; cognate with Dutch boesem, German Busen

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Word History and Origins

Origin of bosom1

Old English bōsm ; related to Old High German buosam

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Example Sentences

Soon I was in the safe bosom of emergency care, slipping in and out of consciousness as a nurse gently dabbed the blood from my face.

That will be the moment of reckoning for the monarchy—and if the institution continues to find sanctuary in the bosom of the right-wing establishment, then it may not survive in its current form.

From Time

“Ist kalt, ist kalt,” she said and rolled the can across her generous, bare bosom as if to show me how chilly and refreshing it would be while simultaneously making sure it wasn’t.

When these topics are breached, you won’t have to pretend you got a text alert to go pick up your prescription at Target, springing away from the bosom of the family like a popped bra strap.

Close by, a fat woman was holding a small brown-and-white dog to her bosom.

Even after she left its barbed bosom, it did its best to further excommunicate and sideline her.

Although he “returned to the bosom of my family after the nightmare years,” he often thought about his fallen comrades.

Arriving in Boston was like landing upon the bosom of serenity from the derangement of a war zone.

With Mofaz folding himself back into the bosom of the Likud, it is hard to see just what change is getting started.

Other series starring roles: The Powers That Be, Bosom Buddies, and, currently, Two and a Half Men.

The dress had exaggerated details at the bust line, giving the effect of tail fins shooting off her bosom.

The Princess soon felt the eyes of a man upon her however, and covered her bosom with her hand.

When her daughters want to leave the bosom of the church and enter the tough world of R & B, she objects.

It uses male anxieties, unemployment, and a relentless misogyny to wring jokes out of a stale, Bosom Buddies–like premise.

She shifted around and tried to retrieve it, and then thrust out her ample bosom and said to her spouse, “John, you try.”

Yes, in the battle of Mama Grizzlies versus Big Bosom—coming soon to a cable news network near you!

Less than a year after a complete body overhaul, reality-TV star Heidi Montag wants to get rid of her gigantic new bosom.

So all is now hunky-dory between London and Tripoli now the bomber is back in the bosom of his family.

They are so rich in harmony, so weird, so wild, that when you hear them you are like a sea-weed cast upon the bosom of the ocean.

You will follow the suite of my daughter to Spain, and you will become the bosom Counsellor of the wife of your Prince?

There were those who saw him lying on the ground, still in death, his bosom drenched in blood.

He was Honour's self, till he brought the serpent to his bosom, in the shape of his perfidious son.

At this part of Lorenzo's narrative, a cry, unutterable in words, burst from the engloomed but steadfast bosom of his auditor.

She craned forward, the smile gone from her lips, a horror in her eyes, her bosom heaving.

She pressed her hands tighter upon her bosom; her eyes sparkled with an odd approval of that brisk deed.

His bosom friend, John Barton, made his exit from the world's stage April 16, 1875.

The moment the money had arrived, Michael's previous anxieties fled from his bosom, and left him as happy as a boy without a care.

Her soft white hand at that moment pressing the cross to her bosom, completed the picture.

Tears filled his eyes, as he lifted the living child from the dead bosom to which it obstinately clung.

At her bosom she wore a great brooch, containing intertwined locks of a grandfather and grandmother long since defunct.

Crossing the heath, her pathway lay near the spot where she had been found, clinging to the bosom of her dead mother.

She wanted clothes to keep her warm, and food to eat; but she had kept it safe, and had it in her bosom.

She stood before him with lowered eyelids, her bosom heaving still from the agitation of fear his closeness had aroused in her.

The rope from his middle, a bottle of sack from his bosom, and a link of hog's puddings, pulled out of his left sleeve.

Her mother pressed the coveted treasure to her bosom with maternal love, more calm, and deep, and enduring.

I have borne me up against affliction, till my o'ercharged bosom can contain no longer.

The infidelity of her father and the piety of her mother contended, like counter currents of the ocean, in her bosom.

There were no impassioned affections glowing in her bosom and impelling her to his side.





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