


[ boh-uhn ]


  1. Cath·er·ine (Sho·ber) Drink·er [kath, -er-in , shoh, -ber , dring, -ker, kath, -rin], 1897–1973, U.S. biographer and essayist.
  2. Elizabeth (Dorothea Cole), 1899–1973, Anglo-Irish novelist and short-story writer.


/ ˈbəʊən /


  1. BowenElizabeth (Dorothea Cole)18991973FBritishIrishWRITING: novelistWRITING: short-story writer Elizabeth ( Dorothea Cole ). 1899–1973, British novelist and short-story writer, born in Ireland. Her novels include The Death of the Heart (1938) and The Heat of the Day (1949)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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The collision occurred at Bowen and Ridge Roads, the police said.

The rest was pocketed by its equity holders, including Bowen and Monsees, who on paper became instant billionaires.

In 2002, local journalists covered the story of a 4-acre sinkhole at northwest Georgia’s Plant Bowen, which released over 2 million gallons of arsenic-laced ash and water into a nearby creek.

She argued to Bowen that the decision over who should hold the role should have continued behind the scenes, instead of in public.

The original work of Bowen was focused on the dynamics within a nuclear family.

One case in particular became the focus of Stuart Bowen, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction.

On August 18, an IED killed Private First Class Morris Walker and Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen during a reconnaissance mission.

This, he learned by watching May Bowen; however, to his chagrin, he never did get his grandmother's deviled crab recipe.

Your influences include William Trevor, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dickens, Graham Greene, V.S. Pritchett, and Elizabeth Bowen.

I have a mild grievance against that talented lady, Miss Marjorie Bowen, for labelling her latest novel "a romantic fantasy."

It is from the plots and counter-plots, the machinations and subterfuges that follow that Miss Bowen justifies her title.

On the western side of the hills of Cape Bowen there is a track of low land, separating them from another rocky range.

Laid in the picturesque eighteenth century, they all exhibit Miss Bowen's very pretty gift for costume-drama at its happiest.

St. Vincent immediately made him a commander into the vacancy caused by the death of Captain Bowen, who had fallen in the assault.





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