


[ boz ]


  1. pen name of Charles Dickens.


/ bɒz /


  1. pen name of (Charles) Dickens
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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So many people have written nice things to me in recent years — “Jeez, Boz is getting old, this might be my last shot at him” — that I realize how naive it was of me, when young, to think that I wrote to please myself.

Boz had that firm conviction that there were a million people who would give anything to be sitting in your seat, and he wrote that way.

First, T-Boz and Chilli look exactly the same as they did 20 years ago.

After Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes's death in 2002, TLC is now the duo of Rozonda "Chilli" Thomas and Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins.

"Thank you all for your love and support," T-Boz told the audience at the end of the set, making a gesture to heaven for Left Eye.

Duh--she was dancing for T-Boz and Chilli during a live performance of "Waterfalls!"

Apparently, the song was originally written for TLC, however, T-Boz was not ok with singing "hit me baby one more time."

The insipidity which affronted Boz has no effect in stopping the demand for "the fireside plate."

Now allow me to read you a scene, and then the present company can judge between your favorite Mr. Boz and Dr. Johnson.

In his inimitable Sketches by Boz he gives a graphic account of the gradual decay of a house "over the water."

Monmouth Street was notorious for its old-clothes shops, and is the subject of one of the "Sketches by Boz."

To this latter he signed his name, Charles Dickens, dropping from that period the pseudonym of "Boz."





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