


[ brong-kuh-seel ]


, Pathology.
  1. dilatation of a bronchus.
  2. a goiter, especially a cystic goiter.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of bronchocele1

From the Greek word bronchokḗlē, dating back to 1650–60. See broncho-, -cele 1
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Example Sentences

The “swelled neck” in lambs is, like the goitre, or bronchocele, an enlargement of the thyroid glands, and is strikingly analogous to that disease, if not identical with it.

But this local feature takes us back to the same kind of question: Is it the transmission of a specially modified constitution from parents, or the direct action of morbid local influences on the children themselves, that produces bronchocele and its frequent attendant, cretinism?

It has been erroneously confounded by some writers with bronchocele and rachitis, from both of which it is totally distinct.

In exophthalmic goitre the bronchocele is but one of three phenomena, which together constitute the disease, viz. palpitation of the heart, enlargement of the thyroid gland, and protrusion of the eyeballs.

Bronchocele, s. 'a tumor of that part of the aspera tertia, called the Bronchos,' and this last word is wanting.



