[ bur-nuh-bee ]
- a city in SW British Columbia, Canada near Vancouver.
Example Sentences
“A lot of people are afraid of spiders, and there’s nothing on the market that is reliable that keeps the spiders away,” says Andreas Fischer, an arachnologist at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada.
She is a geologist at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada, and co-authored the study.
The company, based in Burnaby, British Columbia, says its new machine has 5,000 qubits, the basic information processing unit in a quantum computer, and that each of these qubits is connected to 15 others.
“This is a beautifully done study,” says Anne Salomon, a marine ecologist at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada.
Regaining the main road, Major Burnaby and his companion sped on towards Samara.
Three stations were passed in safety, and Burnaby resolved on halting at the fourth, Krasnojorsk, for refreshment.
He made a sign to the attendants, and a large wooden box was at once pushed forward, and offered to Major Burnaby as a seat.
The next morning Major Burnaby encountered on the road the messenger he had despatched to Khiva.
Next morning, after remunerating his host for his hospitality, Major Burnaby proceeded towards the goal of his daring enterprise.