


[ byoo-tee-oh ]


, plural bu·te·os.
  1. any of several buzzards or hawks of the genus Buteo.

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Other Words From

  • bu·te·o·nine [byoo, -tee-oh-nahyn, -nin, byoo-, tee, -], adjective noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of buteo1

1905–10; < New Latin; Latin būteō a kind of hawk or falcon
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Example Sentences

With a wingspan of up to 56 inches, the ferruginous hawk is North America’s largest buteo, a type of medium to large, wide-ranging raptor.

Alas, the unlucky bird proved to be a Common buzzard Buteo buteo, not an osprey at all.

The broad-winged hawk is a bird of prey on the genus Buteo, which exhibit broad wings and tails and are capable of soaring flight.

The broad-wing hawk Buteo platypterus when full grown is about the size of a crow and has a wingspan is about 36-inches wide.

They are relatively abundant throughout the Pocono Mountains and are the smallest among our three Buteo species; the red-shouldered and red-tailed hawk.



