Camp Fire
- a U.S. organization for girls and boys that emphasizes the building of character and good citizenship through work, health, and love; originally founded for girls Camp Fire girls in 1910, it is now open to both boys and girls Camp Fire members.
Example Sentences
The only other California county to flip blue in 2020 after voting for Trump four years earlier was mostly rural Butte County, which saw massive displacement after the deadly Camp fire destroyed the town of Paradise in 2018.
The morning of the Camp fire, he had a doctor’s appointment in Chico and left his home in Paradise before the town was engulfed.
He also survived the 2018 Camp fire that killed 85 people and all but destroyed Paradise.
Even during the catastrophic fire years of 2017 and 2018, during which thousands of structures were destroyed by the Thomas fire in Ventura County, the Camp fire in Butte County and others, the company would have been better off not buying the reinsurance it got, the group alleges.
The only other California county to flip blue after voting for Trump in 2016 was mostly-rural Butte County — which saw massive displacement after the deadly Camp fire destroyed the town of Paradise in 2018.