

View synonyms for CATS


/ kæts /

acronym for

  1. credit accumulation transfer scheme: a scheme enabling school-leavers and others to acquire transferable certificates for relevant work experience and study towards a recognized qualification
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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All of the big cats have a special mystique, but perhaps none more so than the tiger.

On the weekends the birds and stray cats keep the artists company as they set up their displays.

A number of clearly partisan studies have suggested that cats are unfeeling and sociopathic.

None, however, have been as all-out cute as this one, a shot-for-shot remake of the teaser with dogs and cats.

Its time for the government to put a stop to it for good and ban eating cats and dogs.

Why, the skule committy are goin' to hold a meetin' up here to say whether they'll move the skule house or the cats.

"No," said the Twins, "but there are no cats in the Milky Way," and they pulled the cat's tail thoughtfully.

On crossing it for the first time, I perceived lying about me half putrid cats and dogs—and even a mule in the same state.

The cats are considered important members of- 23 - nearly every family in the Quarter.

Girls are just like cats; they all like to mope around the register or the steam radiator in cold weather.





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