caution money

  1. mainly British a sum of money deposited as security for good conduct, against possible debts, etc

Words Nearby caution money

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How to use caution money in a sentence

  • They pay down a certain sum, as caution-money, to some mandarin, and the latter answers for them.

  • I was called upon to deposit no less than 11,000 at Belmont's bank as caution money on the signing of the contract.

    The Mapleson Memoirs, vol I | James H. Mapleson
  • You forfeit your ten thousand gulden caution-money: you shall never see that again.

  • It is now not only the want of the caution-money which separates him from you, but also that nasty bog called Debt.

  • By the intervention of her lawyer, and with my consent as her guardian, Bessy recovered her deposited caution-money.