

Chapel Hill


  1. a city in central North Carolina.

Chapel Hill

  1. Town in central North Carolina .

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Seat of the University of North Carolina and a center of research.
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In November, researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, developed a method that incorporates images into existing language models, which boosted the models’ reading comprehension.

So I was getting to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, just as the Vietnam War was winding down.

From Ozy

This was at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will hold off for three weeks.

Students for Fair Admissions is also challenging the use of race in admissions at the public University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in a federal lawsuit that went to trial this week.

Through a work-study program with the school, he is a Program Assistant at the UNC-Chapel Hill LGBT Center.

Molly Worthen is an assistant professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Late last week, I came across a fascinating argument from Thomas Oatley, a political science professor at UNC Chapel Hill.

But for now, the multi-millionaire widower has two children at home in Chapel Hill to raise, Emma Claire, 12, and Jack, 10.

Taylor Branch, another high-profile basher, did at least go to school in Chapel Hill, but that of course is a basketball school.

By nine o'clock we met the rebels, drawn up in line of battle, about a mile north of Chapel Hill.

Chapel Hill was settled late in the 18th century, and was first incorporated in 1851.

He, however, persevered and completed his studies at Chapel Hill University—supporting himself throughout his school course.

The helm is then turned, keeping these lights in range astern until Chapel Hill and Conover beacons are in range on the port bow.

On the other hand, no seal is represented at Chapel Hill, for the water there was too deep, and the banks too precipitous.





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