

[ churk ]

verb (used without object)

  1. to make a shrill, chirping noise.

verb (used with object)

  1. Informal. to cheer (usually followed by up ).
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Word History and Origins

Origin of chirk1

before 1000; Middle English chirken to creak, chirrup, Old English circian to roar
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Example Sentences

As the train came in sight, however, they chirked up somewhat at the thought of having something to occupy their minds, and piled aboard their special car in a little more cheerful mood.

Miss Begg remembered her as a "chirk" old lady with snapping black eyes and an abundant stock of legends and ballads.

A little red squirrel clawed itself up a tree bole, and squatting in a fork chirked angrily and impudently at him from its place of safety.

If a comment on frail appearance would thus depress our friend, surely the contrary assurance ought to chirk him up in proportion.

"Well, chirk up, then, Tubby!" exclaimed Merritt just then, with a low laugh.



