[ sis-ee ]
/ ˈsɪsɪ /
Example Sentences
Later, through watching interviews, Cissy learned that this was also the time that Whitney began experimenting with drugs.
“I had a bad feeling about that child from the first time I saw her,” writes Cissy.
After that, Cissy got a court injunction to take Whitney to rehab by force.
And no, Cissy has no idea whether Robyn and Whitney had a romantic relationship.
Although Cissy Houston enjoyed a solid career as a backup and gospel singer, Whitney was the one and only star of the family.
For little Cissy was bringing all her stalkless flowers to Jane; smiling at her as if she alone possessed the secret of this play.
Cissy—everyone calls him Cissy—seems to be a little particular, not to say fidgetty.
Dining later opposite Landry in a great golden palace, Cissy seemed like some gay tropical bird.
Cissy's pride would not let her admit, even to herself, that she had failed to attract at the final moment.
It was on a morning following one of these struggles that Cissy said to her daughter, wearily, "I can't escape it—"