


[ klip-bawrd, -bohrd ]


  1. a small board having at the top a clip for holding papers and serving as a portable writing surface.


/ ˈklɪpˌbɔːd /


  1. a portable writing board with a spring clip at the top for holding paper
  2. a temporary storage area in desktop publishing where text or graphics are held after the cut command or the copy command
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of clipboard1

An Americanism dating back to 1905–10; clip 2 + board
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Example Sentences

You can also use the copy button on the right of the save button to send your annotated screenshot to the Windows clipboard, so you can paste it into another application later.

Use the crosshair tool to select an area on your screen, and the moment you let go of the left mouse button, Windows will add the screenshot in your clipboard.

Inside the glass-walled tasting room, clipboards invited us to provide information for contact tracing.

The malware also tracks the victim’s location, searches for document files and grabs copied data from the device’s clipboard.

Phones will now send their owners a pop-up message when an app or widget saves text from the clipboard.

I had a clipboard with a yellow piece of paper on it and a pencil over my ear.

I give him my name, and he flips through the paper on his clipboard.

Behind the gate is Gustavo, wearing a tuxedo and holding a clipboard.

He carried a clipboard for signature-gathering, featuring his Fifth Avenue address.

Then, inevitably, comes a man with a clipboard telling me sorry, can't park there.

I tucked the clipboard under my arm, squeezed through the airlock, and down the ramp.

Now at a later time do you remember a clipboard being found?

Kaiser told you and you went upstairs and Kaiser pointed out the clipboard?

I returned the clipboard to my office and made an exhibit of it, as I recall.

Did you examine it to see whether or not there was on the clipboard any orders?





clip artclip bond