

View synonyms for collusive


[ kuh-loo-siv ]


  1. involving collusion; fraudulently contrived by agreement:

    a collusive agreement to increase prices.

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Other Words From

  • col·lusive·ly adverb
  • col·lusive·ness noun
  • noncol·lusive adjective
  • noncol·lusive·ly adverb
  • noncol·lusive·ness noun
  • precol·lusive adjective
  • uncol·lusive adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of collusive1

First recorded in 1665–75; collus(ion) + -ive
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Example Sentences

The prices would remain low for some time but they would tend to work their way back up to the high collusive prices.

This combination of factors sets the stage perfectly for AI-powered pricing algorithms to adopt collusive pricing strategies, say the authors.

Once collusive pricing rules are uncovered, computer scientists need to come up with ways to constrain algorithms from adopting them without sacrificing their clear efficiency benefits.

It could also be helpful to make preventing this kind of collusive behavior the responsibility of the companies deploying them, with stiff penalties for those who don’t keep their algorithms in check.

Collusive labor makes it easier for employers to collude to extract maximum rents from customers.

In the back-ground are two collusive associates, eagerly dividing the profits of the evening.

Justice Johnson intimated—all but formally charged—that the case was collusive.

Afterwards, it seems, the Archdeacon in a collusive suit allowed judgment to go against himself and his church.

It is thus easy for two men to concert a collusive attack which shall succeed either way, and be dishonest both ways.

The only grave imputation on his memory is his connivance, as a Commissioner, at the collusive divorce of Lady Essex.




