

View synonyms for complicity


[ kuhm-plis-i-tee ]


, plural com·plic·i·ties.
  1. the state of being an accomplice; partnership or involvement in wrongdoing:

    complicity in a crime.

    Synonyms: connivance, implication, intrigue, collusion


/ kəmˈplɪsɪtɪ /


  1. the fact or condition of being an accomplice, esp in a criminal act
  2. a less common word for complexity
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Other Words From

  • com·plici·tous adjective
  • noncom·plici·ty noun plural noncomplicities
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Word History and Origins

Origin of complicity1

1650–60; < Late Latin complic-, stem of complex complice + -ity
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Example Sentences

Justice Minister Gustavo Villatoro suggested that the depth and complexity of the secret burial site pointed to the complicity of more than one person.

A submission to, and eventual complicity with racism normalized a dynamic that should not exist.

From Time

You wrote on Twitter that when people have the power to help but sit idly by, then their silence is complicity.

From Time

As for Spears, it is a very good thing that we are finally talking about the objectification, infantilization, gaslighting, ridicule and invasions of privacy she’s suffered—and about our own complicity in that suffering.

From Time

Its supporters, inter alia, pressure American companies to end their complicity with Israeli apartheid by ceasing operations on occupied land.

The documents also highlight the apparent complicity by secular law enforcement in keeping some of these offenders out of jail.

And we have an amazing complicity, an amazing respect for each other.

We were never asked to confront our own complicity as sponsors of the game.

What sports pundits rarely bother to do is confront themselves, or their audiences, about their complicity in this pattern.

It is a site devoted to ending all privacy and putting everything in public view, with our complicity and cooperation.

Neither had the slightest suspicion of the lawyers complicity in the events of the night before.

Already, however, had returning shame made everybody unwilling to avow his complicity in the crime.

Perhaps he preferred doubt to shocking certainty, as if he could thus escape the remorse attendant upon criminal complicity.

Hinde, too, is accused of complicity, and both are taken in chains through the town.

Accordingly, it was asserted that the arrested Sinn Feiners had been guilty of complicity in a German plot.




