con amore
[ kon uh-mawr-ee, -mawr-ey, -mohr-ee, -mohr-ey, kohn; Italian kawn ah-maw-re ]
- (italics) Italian. with love, tender enthusiasm, or zeal.
- tenderly and lovingly (used as a musical direction).
con amore
/ kɒn æˈmɔːrɪ /
- music (to be performed) lovingly
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Word History and Origins
Origin of con amore1
First recorded in 1730–40
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Word History and Origins
Origin of con amore1
C19: from Italian: with love
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Example Sentences
If I were a young man in your position, I should take up the case con amore, for the sake of beauty and womanhood.
From Project Gutenberg
I have worked at it con amore, and believe my love has been successful.
From Project Gutenberg
In sacred subjects, which he painted by no means con amore, he affects the hard style of David and his French followers.
From Project Gutenberg
There was no want of good will on the part of the mob to the undertaking; far from it, and they proceeded in the work con amore.
From Project Gutenberg
Herby still painting away con amore, & making good progress.
From Project Gutenberg