

View synonyms for confrontation


[ kon-fruhn-tey-shuhn, -fruhn- ]


  1. an act of confronting.
  2. the state of being confronted.
  3. a meeting of persons face to face.
  4. an open conflict of opposing ideas, forces, etc.
  5. a bringing together of ideas, themes, etc., for comparison.
  6. Psychology. a technique used in group therapy, as in encounter groups, in which one is forced to recognize one's shortcomings and their possible consequences.


/ kɒnˈfrʌntmənt; ˌkɒnfrʌnˈteɪʃən /


  1. the act or an instance of confronting
  2. a situation of mutual hostility between two powers or nations without open warfare
  3. a state of conflict between two antagonistic forces, creeds, or ideas etc

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Derived Forms

  • ˌconfronˈtational, adjective

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Other Words From

  • non·con·fron·ta·tion noun
  • re·con·fron·ta·tion noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of confrontation1

First recorded in 1625–35; confront + -ation; compare Medieval Latin confrontātiō, French, Middle French confrontation

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Example Sentences

Their confrontation at dinner was, without a doubt, the highlight of the episode.

Rioting, shoplifting, and violent confrontation with the police took place shortly thereafter.

A video of the confrontation shot by a bystander shows Garner surrounded by a group of police officers.

I need some stimulation in my blood,” Bergesio says, “and here you have confrontation.

Charles Barkley has never been one to shy away from confrontation both on and off the basketball court.

Never did God, who delights in antitheses, produce a more striking contrast, or a more extraordinary confrontation.

The test of a civilized person is first self-awareness, and then depth after depth of sincerity in self-confrontation.

And this new confrontation with another and still newer world, with another Unknown, demands a new religion, a new God.

But he cursed himself for a fool and a coward, not to have gone away—abroad—long ere such a possible confrontation threatened him.

At last she saw his table, and the direct confrontation of his stare.



