

View synonyms for conversion


[ kuhn-vur-zhuhn, -shuhn ]


  1. the act or process of converting; state of being converted.
  2. a change in character, form, or function.
  3. a change from one religion, political belief, viewpoint, etc., to another.
  4. a thoroughgoing spiritual change that involves repentance and a turn toward God or right living.
  5. a change of attitude, emotion, or viewpoint from one of indifference, disbelief, or antagonism to one of acceptance, faith, or enthusiastic support, especially such a change in a person's religion.
  6. a physical transformation from one material or state to another:

    conversion of coal, water, and air into nylon.

  7. the act of obtaining equivalent value, as of money or units of measurement, in an exchange or calculation:

    conversion of yen into dollars.

  8. a physical, structural, or design change or transformation from one state or condition to another, especially to effect a change in function:

    conversion of a freighter into a passenger liner.

  9. a substitution of one component for another so as to effect a change:

    conversion from oil heat to gas heat.

  10. Mathematics. a change in the form or units of an expression.
  11. Logic. the transposition of the subject and predicate of a proposition, as “No good man is unhappy” becomes by conversion “No unhappy man is good.”
  12. Law.
    1. unauthorized assumption and exercise of rights of ownership over personal property belonging to another.
    2. a change from realty into personalty, or vice versa, as in the sale or purchase of land or the mining of coal.
  13. Football. a score made on a try for a point after touchdown by place-kicking or drop-kicking the ball over the bar between the goalposts or by completing a pass in or running the ball into the end zone.
  14. Psychoanalysis. the process by which a repressed psychic event, idea, feeling, memory, or impulse is represented by a bodily change or symptom.
  15. Physics. the production of radioactive material in a process in which one nuclear fuel is converted into another by the capture of neutrons. Compare breeding ( def 6 ).
  16. Digital Technology. a performance metric for a website that counts the percentage of visitors that engage in the intended purpose of the site, as making a purchase or signing a petition:

    The site was redesigned to simplify user interactions and optimize conversion.

  17. Computers.
    1. Also called data conversion. the act or process of transferring data from one format into another.
    2. Also called media conversion. the act of transferring or copying stored data from one storage medium to another.
    3. Also called system conversion. the change from an existing computer system to a new computer system.
    4. the process of changing the base that a number or numbers are written in.
  18. the transformation of material from a form suitable for printing by one process to a form suitable for another process:

    a halftone gravure conversion.


/ kənˈvɜːʃən /


    1. a change or adaptation in form, character, or function
    2. something changed in one of these respects
  1. a change to another attitude or belief, as in a change of religion
  2. maths a change in the units or form of a number or expression

    the conversion of miles to kilometres involves multiplying by 1.61

  3. logic a form of inference by which one proposition is obtained as the converse of another proposition
  4. law
    1. unauthorized dealing with or the assumption of rights of ownership to another's personal property
    2. the changing of real property into personalty or personalty into realty
  5. rugby a score made after a try by kicking the ball over the crossbar from a place kick
  6. physics a change of fertile material to fissile material in a reactor
    1. an alteration to a car engine to improve its performance
    2. ( as modifier )

      a conversion kit

  7. material alteration to the structure or fittings of a building undergoing a change in function or legal status
  8. the unauthorized appropriation of a motor vehicle
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • conˈversional, adjective
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Other Words From

  • con·ver·sion·al con·ver·sion·ar·y [k, uh, n-, vur, -zh, uh, -ner-ee, -sh, uh, -], adjective
  • non·con·ver·sion noun
  • pre·con·ver·sion noun
  • sem·i·con·ver·sion noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of conversion1

First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English conversio(u)n from Anglo-French, from Latin conversiōn- (stem of conversiō ) “a turning around, revolution”; converse 2, -ion
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Word History and Origins

Origin of conversion1

C14: from Latin conversiō a turning around; see convert
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Example Sentences

As you can see, such phrases have low competition and high conversion.

Not every PPC campaign is going to be focused on direct sales and conversions.

They also cite improved conversion rate and decreased CPA for advertisers using eCPC with technology provider bid strategies.

All these product images can have a large impact on your site’s performance which can also impact your customer retention and conversions.

By targeting striking distance keywords, you can easily find the best opportunities by providing better visibility, increasing traffic, and conversions.

Indeed, every teacher is expected to be a Muslim by birth or conversion.

The campaign included a push for the World Health Organization to condemn gay-conversion therapy.

There is no better way to redefine your image than to undergo a religious conversion.

The Duplex Drive (called DD) was one: an amphibious conversion which could be fitted to a normal Sherman tank.

Experts hypothesize the painting represents the “conquest dance,” a Christian conversion ritual still performed to this day.

William has thus been happily able to report to the society the approaching conversion of M'Bongo and his imminent civilization.

The conversion of the other, a 63-inch low-pressure vacuum engine at Wheal Gons, will be traced in this chapter.

God invites the rebel Jews to return to him, with a promise to receive them: he foretells the conversion of the Gentiles.

The temple of God shall not protect a sinful people, without a sincere conversion.

Mr Dean did not believe in sudden conversion, nevertheless he expressed gratification.





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