[ koos ]
- a language of a group of American Indians indigenous to the coast of Oregon.
Example Sentences
On the show, she was the epitome of Marilyn Monroe hotness, but subbed loud belches for breathy coos—and then laughed about it.
Aside from missing a letter that CEOs have in their title, COOs lack the juice they have.
She has nicknames for all her students—she coos that they are her “ladybug” or “honey pie” or “sexy lady.”
Critics have noted how Williams coos and whispers in convincing Marilyn fashion.
The scene feels far more Vogue than Newsweek, with lots of “Brilliant, dah-ling” coos of approval.
The mountains lie directly north of the river valley in Coos and Curry counties, Oregon.
On the mother's back the child sleeps and coos and observes what goes on about it.
Loud coos the doo when the hawk's no whistling; loud cheeps the mouse when the cat's no rustling.
Again, Should we allow all, and only compute unto the latitude of Coos; yet would it not impose a total omission of Physick.
Ye should hae gin ten pund sterling apiece for the coos, and not twenty-sen and saxpence.
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