

corneal reflex


  1. Physiology. the closing of the eyelids induced by touching the cornea lightly.
  2. Ophthalmology. the reflection of a keratoscope, as Placido's disk, on the surface of the cornea.

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Example Sentences

He had found no pulse, no corneal reflex when he touched the eye, the skin was cold, he had heard no heartbeat.

Even in states of complete relaxation the eyes move in unison, the pupils react to light, and almost universally the corneal reflex is present.

The patient was then taken back to the ward and the corneal reflex was noticed as being present.

If, under proper circumstances, a dozen animals were made absolutely unconscious by the use of chloroform, as insensible as human being are made before a capital operation, so that the corneal reflex is abolished, could this degree of unconsciousness be maintained "as long as any experimenter desired"?

Until the corneal reflex is abolished, the surgeon does not begin to operate, for sensibility remains.



