corned beef
[ kawrnd beef ]
- beef that has been preserved by marinating it in brine, often with garlic, peppercorns, cloves, etc.
Word History and Origins
Origin of corned beef1
Example Sentences
The engineering school dropout had sold corned beef to Africa and brokered some Brazilian diamonds with mixed success.
The truth, though, is that corned beef and cabbage is an entirely American meal—Irish-American, yes, but American nonetheless.
Mounds of tuna salad, white fish salad, potato pancakes, knishes, corned beef—you name your kosher indulgence and it is here.
Four people at table means a depletion of your smoked meat and a dipping occasionally into the corned-beef barrel.
And you're going to eat this sandwich of corned beef and bread.
If corned beef was poison, as he said, there wouldn't be a working man alive in America.
It is difficult to use up corned beef, for it is not good sliced and warmed over, as most meats are.
But never cook anything with corned beef, except a slice of onion to season it.