[ kawr-uh-spon-ding, kor- ]
- identical in all essentials or respects:
corresponding fingerprints.
- similar in position, purpose, form, etc.:
corresponding officials in two states.
- associated in a working or other relationship:
a bolt and its corresponding nut.
- dealing with correspondence:
a corresponding secretary.
- employing the mails as a means of association:
a corresponding member of a club.
Other Words From
- corre·sponding·ly adverb
- noncor·res·ponding adjective noun
- noncor·res·ponding·ly adverb
- uncor·re·sponding adjective
- uncor·re·sponding·ly adverb
Word History and Origins
Origin of corresponding1
Example Sentences
Your TV sends the audio to the soundbar, the soundbar takes a moment to unpack the signal, and sends it out after the corresponding video has reached your eyeballs.
They calculated a corresponding temperature change of at least 40 degrees.
Each of the three scenarios listed in the problem had a corresponding response.
Paul Wright worked it out analytically, starting with streaks of 56, 57, 58, 59 or 60 games, each of which had their own corresponding probabilities of occurring.
Jostling one of the bit’s atoms won’t change the overall magnetization of the bit and its corresponding value of 0 or 1.
But it is not working with the corresponding tribes on the Syrian side of the mostly nonexistent Iraq-Syria border.
Friends trying to contact me reported corresponding with an impostor named Krystal.
Numbers were read off, each one corresponding to an alternate who would be seated.
So I felt I had to carry my threat through—and we began corresponding.
In 1988, the corresponding percentages were 51 percent and 60 percent.
I do not think the average number of passengers on a corresponding route in our country could be so few as twenty.
In a dungeon of the corresponding tower, on this side of the castle, was the prison of Ripperda.
These granules are identical with the corresponding granules in the leukocytes just described.
Myelocytes are the bone-marrow cells from which the corresponding granular leukocytes are developed.
The federal government also has three courts corresponding somewhat to the courts established by the states.
Related Words